mercredi 12 février 2014

Exemple FOCAS suite

Pour faire suite à un précédent article, voici un petit exemple de code complémentaire sur la programmation FOCAS. Le code reprend l'utilisation de la fonction "Status_of_Function" définie dans le précédent billet. Cet exemple permet de relire les valeurs des correcteurs outils.

' Ethernet connexion
' allocate library handle 3
Declare Function cnc_allclibhndl3 Lib "fwlib32.dll" (ByVal sIPaddr As String, ByVal nPort As Integer, ByVal nTimeout As Long, FlibHndl As Integer) As Integer

' free library handle
Declare Function cnc_freelibhndl Lib "fwlib32.dll" (ByVal FlibHndl As Integer) As Integer
' set path number(for 4 axes lathes, multi-path)
Declare Function cnc_setpath Lib "fwlib32.dll" (ByVal FlibHndl As Integer, ByVal A As Integer) As Integer
'  read tool offset information
Declare Function cnc_rdtofsinfo Lib "fwlib32.dll" (ByVal FlibHndl As Integer, Odb As ODBTLINF) As Integer
' read tool offset value
Declare Function cnc_rdtofs Lib "fwlib32.dll" (ByVal FlibHndl As Integer, ByVal A As Integer, ByVal B As Integer, ByVal c As Integer, Odb As ODBTOFS) As Integer

' cnc_rdtofsinfo:read tool offset information
  Ofs_type As Integer
  Use_no As Integer
End Type

' cnc_rdtofs:read tool offset value
  Datano As Integer         ' data number
  Type As Integer            ' data type
  Data As Long                ' data
End Type

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim LibHndl As Integer
Dim Ret As Integer
Dim tlinf As ODBTLINF

Dim Ncorrecteur As Integer  ' Variable pour le numero de correcteur à relire
Dim tofs As ODBTOFS

' Addresse connexion Ethernet sur CN (Attention deux ports généralement port  communication et Data serveur)
'  8193 : Port Focas
   Ret = cnc_allclibhndl3("", "8193", 10, LibHndl)
   If Ret Then call Status_of_Function(Ret, "cnc_allclibhndl3")

'  Définition du canal dans le cas de CN utilisant plusieurs cannaux
'  Dans ce cas la CN est du type :
                  ' MM:M series with 2 path control
                  ' TT:T series with 2/3 path control
    Ret = cnc_setpath(LibHndl, 2)
    If Ret Then Call Status_of_Function(Ret, "cnc_setpath")

' Récupère le nombre de correcteur maxi disponible sur la machine

    Ret = cnc_rdtofsinfo(LibHndl, tlinf)
    If Ret Then Call Status_of_Function(Ret, "cnc_rdtofsinfo")

  Ncorrecteur=10 ' Numéro du correcteur outil à relire
 If Ncorrecteur>tlinf.Use_no Then 'Test pour éviter de relire un numéro de correcteur dépassant la limite machine
        Ncorrecteur = tlinf.Use_no
 End If

' Type de variable pour récupération correcteur outil
' Lathe Series (T series)
'           X axis  Z axis  Nose R  Imaginary tool nose     Y axis
' Wear          0       2           4       6                   8
' Geometry   1       3           5       7                   9

    Ret = cnc_rdtofs(LibHndl, Ncorrecteur , 3, 8, tofs) ' 3= Z axis Gometry et taille =8 (toujours ?)
    If Ret Then Call Status_of_Function(Ret, "cnc_rdtofs")

   MsgBox "Valeur du correcteur de géométrie Z pour l'outil : " & Ncorrecteur & "=" & (tofs.Data/1000)     ' La valeur est à diviser par 1000 pour avoir en mm

'  De-allocate handle
    Ret = cnc_freelibhndl(LibHndl)
    If Ret Then Call Status_of_Function(Ret, "cnc_freelibhndl")
End Sub

5 commentaires:

  1. Following your nice example I was able to query the offset number 1 in a 31i control... But As far as I understood it read offsets from tool number 1, and the offset of this tool is defined in 'Ncorrecteur'

    How can I select the tool number first? It´s working for offsets (D / H numbers) but the tool number is fixed I guess... Any suggestions?

    Thanks for the great blog. Without this sample I´d never gfigure it out...

  2. Hello Daniel,

    To get the tool compensation settings you must use the function "cnc_rdtofs" as mentionned in this post.

    Ret = cnc_rdtofsinfo(LibHndl, tlinf)
    tlinf.Use_no gives you the number of tool corector available on the controler.

    Ret = cnc_rdtofs(LibHndl, Ncorrector , Nvalue, 8, tofs) gives you the requested value.

    You must use a function like : Conv_tofs(tofs.Data, tofs.Type) to get the correct conversion .

    Hereafter my Conv_Tofs function :
    Function Conv_tofs(Val As Long, Tofs_type As Integer) As Double
    Dim Div As Integer
    Select Case Tofs_type
    Case 6
    Div = 1
    Case Else
    Div = 1000
    End Select

    Conv_tofs = Val / Div
    End Function

    Depending of your controler the "lenght" of the data block could be different. You must report to the Html documentation of this function to get more information.

    In this post the code are tested and use for a lathe (Type T for the controler )

    'Lathe Series (T series)
    ' X axis Z axis Nose R
    'Wear 0 2 4
    'Geometry 1 3 5
    ' Imaginary tool nose position => 6

  3. So am I correct to assume that Nvalue in the code below is the tool number?

    Ret = cnc_rdtofs(LibHndl, Ncorrector , Nvalue, 8, tofs) gives you the requested value.

  4. Ncorrector is the Corrector Number in the tool table Ie:
    If in the ISO code You use G43H2 2 is your corrector value.

    If you want to know the tool length coorection you need to add the tool wear + tool geometry. So in this case you must read both values with the Nvalue 0 + 1 or 2 + 3
    cnc_rdtofs(LibHndl, 2, 0, 8, tofs) and cnc_rdtofs(LibHndl, 2, 1, 8, tofs)

  5. Hi Laurent!

    I think my mistake is to assume offsets are linked to tools... They´re are independent on FANUCs you can call T10 H400, what Ncorrector is is the H number.... But this is bothering me:

    When I execute "Ret = cnc_rdtofsinfo(LibHndl, tlinf)", I get a maximum number of offsets of 32. But we have 996 offsets on this machine (It´s a MoriSeiki NT - FANUC 31iA5, T model, with extended tool offsets option).

    I believe tlinf.use_no should return 996 and not 32...

    Thanks anyway!
