Voici quelques codes générique que j'utilise dans tous mes développements et qui me servent régulièrement dans du calcul mathématique ou de traitement de chaine de caractères :
' Point en 3D
Public Type Point3
X As Double
Y As Double
Z As Double
End Type
'Longueur de vecteur
Function Longueur(ByRef P1 As Point3) As Double
Longueur = Sqr((P1.X ^ 2) + (P1.Y ^ 2) + (P1.Z ^ 2))
End Function
'Distance entre 2 points
Function Distance(ByRef P1 As Point3, ByRef P2 As Point3) As Double
Distance = Sqr((P2.X - P1.X) ^ 2 + (P2.Y - P1.Y) ^ 2 + (P2.Z - P1.Z) ^ 2)
End Function
'Addition de vecteur
Function VecAdd(ByRef P1 As Point3, ByRef P2 As Point3, Optional F As Double = 1) As Point3
VecAdd.X = P1.X + F * P2.X
VecAdd.Y = P1.Y + F * P2.Y
VecAdd.Z = P1.Z + F * P2.Z
End Function
'Produit Scalaire
Function Dot(ByRef p As Point3, ByRef Q As Point3) As Double
Dot = p.X * Q.X + p.Y * Q.Y + p.Z * Q.Z
End Function
'Soustraction de point
Function SubVect(ByRef P1 As Point3, ByRef P2 As Point3, ByRef F As Double) As Point3
SubVect.X = P1.X - P2.X * F
SubVect.Y = P1.Y - P2.Y * F
SubVect.Z = P1.Z - P2.Z * F
End Function
'Produit vectoriel
Function VecProd(ByRef P1 As Point3, ByRef P2 As Point3) As Point3
Dim P4 As Point3
P4.X = (P1.Y * P2.Z) - (P1.Z * P2.Y)
P4.Y = (P1.Z * P2.X) - (P1.X * P2.Z)
P4.Z = (P1.X * P2.Y) - (P1.Y * P2.X)
VecProd = P4
End Function
' Soustraction de vecteur
Function VecSub(ByRef P1 As Point3, ByRef P2 As Point3, Optional t As Double = 1) As Point3
VecSub.X = P1.X - t * P2.X
VecSub.Y = P1.Y - t * P2.Y
VecSub.Z = P1.Z - t * P2.Z
End Function
'Récupération du vecteur normal de 3 points
Function NormVec(ByRef P1 As Point3, ByRef P2 As Point3, ByRef P3 As Point3) As Point3
NormVec = VecteurUnitaire(VecProd(VecSub(P1, P2), VecSub(P3, P2)))
End Function
' Transforme un vecteur en vecteur unitaire
Function VecteurUnitaire(ByRef P1 As Point3) As Point3
Dim Norm As Double
Norm = Sqr(P1.X * P1.X + P1.Y * P1.Y + P1.Z * P1.Z)
If Norm = 0 Then
Exit Function
End If
VecteurUnitaire.X = P1.X / Norm
VecteurUnitaire.Y = P1.Y / Norm
VecteurUnitaire.Z = P1.Z / Norm
End Function
' Coordonnées du point Milieu
Function PointMilieu(ByRef P1 As Point3, ByRef P2 As Point3) As Point3
PointMilieu.X = 0.5 * (P1.X + P2.X)
PointMilieu.Y = 0.5 * (P1.Y + P2.Y)
PointMilieu.Z = 0.5 * (P1.Z + P2.Z)
End Function
' Name: Round
' Inputs:DP is the decimal place to round to (0 to 14) e.g
' Round (3.56376, 3) will give the result 3.564
' Round (3.56376, 1) will give the result 3.6
' Round (3.56376, 0) will give the result 4
' Round (3.56376, 2) will give the result 3.56
' Round (1.4999, 3) will give the result 1.5
' Round (1.4899, 2) will give the result 1.49
' Returns:None
' Assumes:None
' Side Effects:None
Function Round(X1 As Double, DP As Integer) As Double
Round = Int((X1 * 10 ^ DP) + 0.5) / 10 ^ DP
End Function
' Name: A 'strtok' function for VB
' Description:I wrote four functions to tokenize strings. He
' re they are...
'The functions work like this TokLeftLeft finds the leftmost token and
'then returns the left part of the string (empty if not there). You
'can figure out the rest. Note that if the token is more than 1 character
'then the function will always return "".
Public Function TokLeftLeft(ByRef Source As String, ByRef token As String) As String
Dim I As Integer
TokLeftLeft = Source
For I = 1 To Len(Source)
If Mid(Source, I, 1) = token Then
TokLeftLeft = Left(Source, I - 1)
Exit Function
End If
Next I
End Function
Public Function TokLeftRight(ByRef Source As String, ByRef token As String) As String
Dim I As Integer
TokLeftRight = Source
For I = 1 To Len(Source)
If Mid(Source, I, 1) = token Then
TokLeftRight = Right(Source, Len(Source) - I)
Exit Function
End If
Next I
End Function
Public Function TokRightLeft(ByRef Source As String, ByRef token As String) As String
Dim I As Integer
TokRightLeft = ""
For I = Len(Source) To 1 Step -1
If Mid(Source, I, 1) = token Then
TokRightLeft = Left(Source, I - 1)
Exit Function
End If
Next I
End Function
Public Function TokRightRight(ByRef Source As String, ByRef token As String) As String
Dim I As Integer
TokRightRight = ""
For I = Len(Source) To 1 Step -1
If Mid(Source, I, 1) = token Then
TokRightRight = Right(Source, Len(Source) - I)
Exit Function
End If
Next I
End Function
It's incredible, your way is working!
RépondreSupprimerThank you !!
Previously, I calculate the direction of movement in a manner described Bryan Carpio Felsher on the site coe.org, that way
sometimes make mistake.
www.coe.org/p/fo/st/thread=29348&post=88186&posted=1#p88186 quote from this site:
"I really do not get why so many posts have such trouble with Circles. The sign of the cross product between the INDIRV and vector from start point to center point of circle gives you the answer. Here's what it looks like in the post I wrote a long time ago.
Sub GetCircleDirection
CrossProductI = IndirvCircJ * IndirvK - IndirvCircK * IndirvJ
CrossProductJ = IndirvCircK * IndirvI - IndirvCircI * IndirvK
CrossProductK = IndirvCircI * IndirvJ - IndirvCircJ * IndirvI
If Sgn (CrossProductK)> 0 Then
CircleDirection = 2 'CCLW
CircleCode = CCLWCircleCode
ElseIf Sgn (CrossProductK) <0 Then CircleDirection = 1 'CLW
CircleCode = SLVTsirkleKode
End If
End Sub "
C'est incroyable, votre façon de travailler!
Je vous remercie !!
Auparavant, je calcule la direction du mouvement d'une manière décrite Bryan Carpio Felsher sur le site coe.org, de cette façon
Parfois faire erreur.
www.coe.org/p/fo/st/thread=29348&post=88186&posted=1#p88186 citation de ce site:
"Je ne comprends vraiment pas pourquoi tant de postes ont de tels problèmes avec les cercles.Le signe de la croix produit entre l'INDIRV et le vecteur de point de départ à centre de cercle vous donne la réponse.C'est ce que cela ressemble dans le post que j'ai écrit il y a longtemps.
Sub GetCircleDirection
CrossProductI = IndirvCircJ*IndirvK - IndirvCircK*IndirvJ
CrossProductJ = IndirvCircK*IndirvI - IndirvCircI*IndirvK
CrossProductK = IndirvCircI*IndirvJ - IndirvCircJ*IndirvI
If Sgn(CrossProductK) > 0 Then
CircleDirection = 2 'CCLW
CircleCode = CCLWCircleCode
ElseIf Sgn(CrossProductK) < 0 Then CircleDirection = 1 'CLW
CircleCode = СЛВЦирклеКоде
End If
End Sub "